The classes

All the classes have a similar approach, but are modified according to the age range.. They are graded courses: some of our students started in the very young children’s group and are now in the Adolescent group.

Each class has a maximum capacity of 10 students. Please contact us anyway, even if classes are full, as spaces do sometimes become available..

18.15 to 20.00 | 13+ | 1 PLACE AVAILABLE

14.30 to 16.00 | 7 to 12 years old | 1 PLACE AVAILABLE
17.00 to 19.00 | 13+ | FULL

Second semester (2024) will run from February 3rd until June 8th.

Upcoming holidays
April 20th/27th as well as Saturday 11th May.
To keep this in line with Semester 1 (14 sessions) note that there will be theatre on the first Saturday of February and April school holidays.


A private performance is usually held at the end of each term, or when a project reaches a state where the performance is ready.

This is partly so that the students can become accustomed to performing, and also to avoid the tension and time commitments that tend to accompany one-off end-of-year performances.

Performances are usually fairly informal and private (family and friends).


Each term costs 160€/student, (14 session at ~11.5€ each).
There are now two semesters instead of thee trimesters.
If you have two children or more the price lowers to 150€ for each child.


Alexander Laube
Roxane Laube

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